Finding an organisation
The Listing page is set out with a Search function, a set of filtering categories, and the results of the combined query / filter.
Search: with the search field empty, organisations can be filtered by the categories listed and the results are displayed in a random order within their sponsorship category. If a search term is entered, the results are ordered according to the most relevant result.
Categories: see below for an explanation of the categories. Selection of multiple categories successively narrows down the results. However, selecting more than one option within a category results in a widening of the results to all organisations that fulfill either criterion, rather than narrowing it to those which satisfy both.
Results: clicking on an organisation takes one through to the organisation's individual listing page which contains the web address and a short description, with additional information for sponsors.
Icons: the default icons used indicate the type of organisation. A 'No Entry' sign indicates that an organisation no longer exists under that brand name: where available, further details are provided in the individual listing.
Claimed listings: when a listing is claimed an organisation may choose to replace the icon with their own logo and supply further company details. In this case a 'Validated' sticker is shown.
- Sector: companies that address the needs of manufacturers are categorised as 'All Life Science Products' if they do not mention a restriction to Pharmaceuticals / Biotechnology or Medical Technology. Those who also support healthcare providers are included in the broadest category 'Healthcare'.
- Organisation type: we include many different types, allocated on the basis of the principal activity.
- Specialisation: if an organisation specialises in a particular type of product such as cell therapy, this criterion can be selected.
- Services provided: an organisation may offer several types of service, for example consulting as well as training. We identify a maximum of three services per organisation.
- Geographic coverage: where an organisation specifies a particular geographic expertise, this may be selected.
- Organisation size: the definitions of the European Union are used here to allow a supplier to be matched to the size of a project or client.