Getting to the stage where patients can benefit from a new treatment involves a long development and approval process. Obtaining a marketing authorisation by demonstrating safety and efficacy to a regulatory body is not enough: healthcare providers and payers need to know if the new treatment is better than current options and, if it is, they have to decide how much they want to pay for it.
Our aim is to help manufacturers - and others with a professional or personal interest - understand these access processes as they are applied in different countries.
We are a team of access specialists with decades of experience working in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology sectors. We have held senior positions within large international manufacturers, led international access and health economics consulting teams and represented industry in the trade association setting. In addition to our access expertise our staff have experience in medical, regulatory and public affairs posts. We are well placed to help you navigate what can seem a confusing environment.
Consistent with our mission to widen the understanding of access processes, we actively seek contributors who are interested in sharing their specialist knowledge. If you would like to support us in this aim, please get in touch via the Contact page.
Our News section keeps you up to date on key developments in the access field as well as updating you on our services. We focus on major policy, process and organisational changes and base our analysis on an in depth understanding of the subjects handled.
Our Briefings section contains detailed information on how access processes work, with easy to understand explanations, diagrams and links to key web pages. With a free membership you can see the range of briefings available, but you will need a subscription to read the majority of the content.
Our Learning page gives access to a wealth of information on training opportunities, targeted journals and specialist books, as well as highlighting opportunities for more extensive part-time or full-time study. If you want to keep your professional knowledge up to date, or want to acquire new access, health economics or pricing skills, this is where you can find out where to go.
Our Briefings section will provide a good grounding in many topics, but if you need specialists to help you with a project our Directory provides a wide ranging and flexible means of identifying external agencies who can assist you.
Our Events section allows you to identify conferences and other meetings where you can advance your understanding of access, health economics and related topics, while giving you the chance to meet experts and develop your professional networks.